Thursday, October 30, 2008

No I in TEAM

The Dance program is designed to enable each student to discover their own capacity for ideas, thoughts and feelings using a working knowledge of dance technique and vocabulary. A strong emphasis is placed on developing the discipline and responsibility involved in learning dance technique, in performance, and in choreography.

Students will use and enhance their learning in dance topics, dance history, careers in dance and nutrition. The development of creative freedom and self-confidence is nurtured within the individual student. As the student gains experience, knowledge and confidence they will assume more responsibility for learning and for the teaching and assisting of others. Specific areas are repeated from year to year in sequential degrees of difficulty due to the need for continued reinforcement of basic technique.

It is important that the dancers maintain a reasonable GPA and grade in each class. Class participation and attendance is necessary so that each dancer learns the new material, corrections etc. and it does not interfere with subsequent practice/routines that the rest of the team has moved on to.

Participation in events is essential to the team. When a member misses an event where the team is performing a routine that was learned together, it causes the team to appear as though there is no uniformity within their dance element. As a dance unit we depend on each other to make decisions that will reflect well on our team in the school and in the community.

Nutrition is a valuable tool to an athlete. As athletes it is expected that the dancers maintain a
healthy, balanced diet and a reasonable body weight. If an athlete has poor nutrition or even simply skips a meal it can have a major repercussions including injury to themselves and others.

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